I’m Sheeny from Redbridge… originally from Nottingham.

I’m a humble, respectful and compassionate People’s person, who loves helping those in need.

Over the years I’ve dedicated my time to raising money for refugees and helping those who are suffering from poverty and living in extreme conditions in refugee camps.

We have all be given trials and tribulations in this world. However, we don’t tend to see the blessings of this trial and end up losing hope.

However, our ultimate goal should be Jannah and if you keep this as your dream then there is nothing stopping you to achieve this.

My ReviveFM show will be on community affairs and the wider community, so we can educate and benefit from subjects that affect the whole of our communities. Some may be sensitive but they are definite topics that need to raised and discussed in our Muslim communities.

So please stay tuned as we have some exciting topics to discuss. You can support our show through our website. I am always happy for anyone to contact me through my Facebook page for any questions and ideas

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